Selected games showcasing mechanical and systems designs vested in thematic storytelling and player engagement.
Tactics RPG systemically designed to discuss a theme of constricting roles and encourage exercising empathy.
Director (team of 60+), UI/UX,
Game Design (Systems, Narrative)
Potions for Sale
Concept development and design process for a feel-good shopkeeping game about following your dreams.
The Singing Bone
Competitive strategy board game adapting the eponymous Grimms’ Tale about fratricide in the deep dark woods.
UI/UX, Game Design (Systems)
Trionfi Arcana
Systems and events for a live-service roleplaying campaign of 40+ players, holistically crafted around fun and engagement.
Game Design (Systems, Engagement)
Lighthearted platformer-crafter following a Witch’s comfort with solitude, and the worth they find in human connection.
Game Design (Systems, Narrative), UI/UX, Programming (C#)
Work Experience
Taking ownership of and shipping card customization features while balancing product design goals and navigating development to generate increased cosmetic sales and overwhelming excitement from players.
UI/UX, Visual Design
Exploration, creation, and implementation of polished battlepass UI elements and collection UX that push the visual quality and ROI efficacy of prominent monetization features.
UI/UX, Visual Design
META: Facebook
Two internships at Facebook Connectivity & WEM. Research, design, and implementation of features that target digital-immigrant markets, meet ROI and growth goals, and foster trust in the product.
Product Design, UI/UX
Gamebreaking Studios
Internship across four company verticals.
Interfaces for puzzle-geolocation game, mechanical systems design for multiplayer game pitches, art assets for pixel roguelike game, art management for branding.
UI/UX, Game Design (Systems), Art Management
Additional ProjectS
Experimental Games
Pico-8 entries that utilize different game mechanics to create evocative experiences within set prompts.
Game Design (Technical), Programming (Lua)
Game Jam Entries
Award-winning entries for various game jams, varying from a environmental puzzle game to a charming fishing game.
Game Design (Systems)
Quixotic Ring
Social sim rival-cultivator fighting game that explores the nature of personas, bonds, and performance wrestling.
Game Design (Systems), UI/UX, Programming (C#)