
August 2020 - May 2021

Caring for the world around us is a labor of love worth undertaking. That is the central conceit of this 2D puzzle-platformer as the player follows Thyota, a guardian of the coral reef and caretaker for the hallmark and protector of the forest, Mother Coral, in a time where dire straits befall their lush home. Plagued by the onset of waste and all-consuming sludge, the ecosystem is utterly decimated. It is up to Thyota, an icthyocentaur with the unique ability to convert the pollutants into energy that can revitalize pieces of the Mother Coral, to toil and make the effort to bring the coral reef back to life.

Brought onto the project during its first-playable stage, environment art direction was defined and stylization guides were created in order to meet the game’s narrative and experience goals about the hard work that must go into restoring our earth’s ecosystems, and the intrinsic reward of the beautiful world such labor begets. Style guides and extensive work with level design and VFX, as well as weekly art reviews, ensured the game’s environment met the art direction. Art assets were also created for the game.

3-person Environment Art team.
Assets created in Adobe Photoshop CC.
